Personal Growth

Bogged down? ➡️ bring it back to basics

April 18, 2024

I love to learn. ALL. THE. THINGS. I don’t think I’ll ever give that up. It’s just in my bones like red is in my blood, ya know? [ I think you probably love to learn, too… and that’s why we get along so well. ☺️ ] But since you and I are like BFFs, […]

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I'm amanda!

I'm PUMPED that you're here! 
Everything I do is rooted in a heart to serve you well.
Here's a collection of inspiring, empowering, and practical ideas to help you confidently & authentically live your best life.
*insert high-five!* ;)


Ask Amanda

Got a question?

I love to learn.


I don’t think I’ll ever give that up. It’s just in my bones like red is in my blood, ya know?

[ I think you probably love to learn, too… and that’s why we get along so well. ☺️ ]

But since you and I are like BFFs, let me tell you one thing that can mess with people like us:

We realize there are a BILLION ways to do things… and that makes it easier to get stuck.

Which way? This or that?

SO many options, so little time (AND so little energy! 😵‍💫)

Have you ever felt like you’ve had a million ways to make a move…

and you find yourself bogged down?

You’re not alone.

Here’s a trick that’s best served me when I feel like I’m swimming in the mud of information and options:

Bring it back to basics.

Lord knows I’m a learner, but I love simplicity.

Simplicity is woven in my soul.

There’s breathing room there.

So every time I find myself on overload with all the options for my hopes/dreams/goals, I have to talk myself off a ledge and remind myself what really matters and why I’m going after that thing. Then, I can filter through the noise and eliminate the options that have actually become obstacles for the time being.

Here’s the dirty little secret:

Small, basic action ALWAYS trumps having a wealth of options and not doing a dang thing with them.

The way to combat getting stalled is by becoming very good at identifying when you’re taking in too many ideas, and then having the wherewithal to intentionally go back to the simplest form of taking action on the task at hand.

*If you can pull that off, you can keep yourself in the game and not stuck on the sidelines where overwhelm and regret will mess with you to no end.

Here are three common areas where we all get bogged down + ideas for tapping back into basics to keep moving forward:


I know, your favorite F word, huh?! 😆

Here’s what happens when it comes to learning about finances and wanting to totally kick but with the budget/savings/investing/giving, etc…

We learn and we read and we listen to all the pros, and we get so amped up with all the knowledge and options and opinions… and then we don’t know which way to go.

Feeling this way?


Go back to a simple budget process for a time, until you have your next step clear and you feel good about making it.

Do the math on your weekly/monthly income minus bills/saving, then the leftover is spending/more saving/investing. 

If you’re getting bogged down in all the details, it’s time to step back and get back to the basics. 

If you don’t, you’ll get discouraged and overwhelmed, then get stuck in a place without any forward movement. 

You don’t want that… 


It’s great to have a perfect workout plan, but it does you no good if you can’t execute on that. 

The reality is, we all go through times where we can slay the day… and then there are days when we have to drag ourselves across the finish line. 

Feeling this way?


For the days when you just don’t have it in you to crush those HIIT workouts or the hour long strength training at the gym, have a few ideas on tap that you can lean into. You’re going for some options that might not be so intense (on the body or the mind 😉 ). 

Here are a few for starters: 

-go outside for a walk (long or short, you decide)

-easy-does-it with a bike ride and some good music

-have a pool? Swim some laps

-turn on some good beats and dance with your kids in the living room (⬅️ one of my personal favs! 😎)

Don’t sweat it if you don’t crush kickboxing today. 

Just do something. 

Tomorrow will bring new opportunities and attitudes, so just do what you can for today. 

You’ll also remind yourself that you can pivot and figure things out, AND that you’re not forsaking yourself along the way…. And that’s a darn good feeling!

Going after a dream:

In the day in which we live, there is SO much information out there about how to set and achieve goals and dreams. 

While that sounds great on the surface level, if you’ve done a deep dive into all.the.things, you know just as well as I do that it doesn’t take long to hit INFORMATION (and “OPINION”) OVERLOAD!

What tends to happen at this point of overload isn’t awesome. 

Most of the time it creates feelings of doubt, insecurity, and anxiety because it seems like there are too many things that *MUST* be done in order to reach the heights we’re aiming for, and there are a million directions to go…

 And so, most people stop. 

Here’s a difference between “most people” and the ones who actually make it: a willingness to ask someone for help.

And by someone, I don’t mean a stranger on the internet… I mean, someone who is accessible within their own reach, who is actually doing something along the same lines. Someone with exposure and experience. Someone who can pull the curtain back, even just a little, to give a better inside-view.

Here’s an example: 

Let’s say you want to be a news anchor. 

Do you write Katie Couric a letter? 

Well, you totally could! And if that’s the route you want to go, by all means, go for it!

Click here to send her your best! 📝

– But in reality, usually your best next step is one that’s taken within your reach. You could reach out to someone you know in the business and see if they can field some questions. Think about connections you have made in other areas of life and the people you could reach out to. You might try your hand at a visit to your local news channel offices and see if they have anyone who can give you 15 minutes of their time. You’d be surprised how many people are into helping people. When you can start in your own backyard, every little step along the way seems more attainable. Not that it’s not scary, it’s just more reachable. And you don’t have the whole World Wide Web screaming at you telling you how you’re doing it wrong.

There is power in people… even right where you are.


Old school, you might say.

But it works. 😉

Have something else you’re overwhelmed by or want ideas on how to bring it back to basics?

Just shoot me a note

Happy to help however I can. 🙂

In your corner,


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